Sports Photographer Christoph Laue
Christoph Laue is a professional freelance sports photographer from Stuttgart, Germany. It was his passion for action sports that made him want to go out and catch the moments that define sports. His pictures capture the speed and skillfulness of the athletes within the beauty of the different landscapes. This combination creates the unique atmosphere in his pictures – the illustration of the one moment that explains it all. His photos have been published in magazines all around the world and he has been working with various national and international clients.
Sportfotograf Christoph Laue
Christoph Laue ist selbständiger Sportfotograf aus Stuttgart. Seine Leidenschaft zum Actionsport brachte ihn dazu, die Momente einzufangen, die den Sport ausmachen. Seine Bilder fangen die Geschwindigkeit und das Können der Athleten in der in den unterschiedlichsten landschaftlichen Gegebenheiten ein und zeigen dabei den Moment, der alles erklärt. Diese Verbindung von Action, Umgebung und Licht sorgt für die einzigartige Atmosphäre in Christoph Laues Bildern. Seine Fotos werden in Magazinen weltweit veröffentlicht. Christoph Laue arbeitet für unterschiedlichste nationale und internationale Kunden.
2012 Deutschlands bester Bike-Fotograf,
2013 Red Bull Illume, Top 250 finalist
Top 25 Wings
2014 Nine Knights Photo Competition
Best Action
Best Illumination
2014 Photo of the Year –
2015 Nine Knights Photo Competition
Best Bad Weather
Best Illumination
2016 Nine Knights Photo Competition
Best Lifestyle
Best Illumination
2017 Nine Knights Photo Competition
Best Nine Knights Moment
Best Illumination
2016 Red Bull Illume
Top 25 Masterpiece
2018 Nine Knights Photo Competition
Ruler of the Week
Best Illumination
2019 Red Bull Illume
Top 25 Innovation
2023 Red Bull Illume
Finalist Category Raw